The use of Custom Favicon in WordPress can be known more by visiting branding companies in Hyderabad. The design agency in Hyderabad does make use of Favicon in WordPress.

It is possible to add a favicon or site icon from the WordPress admin area. How? By going to Appearance » Customize and click on the ‘Site Identity’ tab. Then the site identity section located in the customizer does allow a person to change the site title, description, and control whether or not a person wants to display them in the header. It is good to approach branding companies in Hyderabad for detailed information.

How to Create a Custom WordPress Favicon (4 Methods)

To start creating the first favicon, the user does require to design the image or he or she is going to make use of it. It is advisable to use Canva.

What is Canva?

Canva is a beginner-friendly image editing software that can rather create a logo from scratch.

1. Add a Favicon Using the WordPress Customizer 

Since WordPress 4.3, the user avails the Site Icon feature to create a custom favicon. This is one of the simplest ways to upload a favicon as a person will not have to make a favicon.ico file or modify the template file.

Finding the image the user requires to use as one’s favicon is the step to follow. Then, go to Appearance > Customize in one’s WordPress dashboard:

This will indeed open the WordPress Customizer. Next, navigate to Settings > Site Identity:

Here, the user will come across a section labeled Site Icon. Click on the Select site icon and also upload one’s favicon image.

Cropping the image as per requirement needed. On the right-hand side, a person can see a preview of the favicon. After finishing, click on Publish.

The design agency in Hyderabad does focus on these methods.

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2. Add a Favicon with a WordPress Page Builder

Many popular page builders can add a custom favicon in a similar process. For instance, Elementor has a Custom Icons feature in its Global Settings.

First, a person needs to sign up for Elementor Pro. This does enable the user to upload a custom favicon.

Then, open up any post or page with the Elementor editor.

Go to Site Settings > Site Identity. Here, a person will see one’s site name as well as a description. There will also be options for uploading a site logo cum site favicon:

Hovering over the gray box beneath Site Favicon and then clicking on Choose Image. Upload the favicon and select Insert Media:

After uploading one’s favicon, go to the bottom of the screen and also click on Update.

How to Create a Custom Favicon in WordPress?

3. Install a Favicon Plugin

One of the easiest ways to add a favicon to one’s website is with a favicon plugin. This option might be good for people who are not able to access the Customizer or want a simpler option than coding.

For this process, the user can use Favicon Rotator. This free WordPress plugin does enable the user to add a favicon image in minutes:

Install and activate the plugin. Now navigate to Appearance > Favicon:

The user will notice two different options for creating custom icons. Browser Icon places the favicon in browser tabs. The Touch Icon will rather customize favicons for mobile devices:

Click on Add Icon which is located next to Browser Icon. Upload the favicon image.

If the user needs to crop, rotate, or flip the image, click on Edit Image.

When finished, select Add Browser Icon. Then, do click on Save Changes.

4. Manually Generate a Favicon

In case the website has an older WordPress version or theme, the person might need to manually add a favicon using code. This method can also be rather beneficial when a person wants to limit the number of third-party plugins on one’s site.

Start off by clicking on Select one’s Favicon image. After uploading the image file, Real Favicon Generator will create a preview of the user’s favicon.