In: May 2018

Know More about Future of Branding

Know More about Future of Branding

Focus has to be on the core audience in order to build a community. A successful…

Future of marketing – The new 4 Ps for success

Future of marketing - The new 4 Ps for success

Marketing entails an established relationship with customers also the opening up of channels of communication so…

How to Market a New Product?

How to Market a New Product?

One has produced the product and now one has to make a sincere effort to sell…

How have brands been used successfully?

How have brands been used successfully?

Branding a product or service is very essential in order to promote it in the market….

Brand Management in 2018: Grow in the competitive sphere

It is understood that at least 5 to 7 brand impressions are indeed required to effect…

21 Factors Affecting the Saleability Of A Business

21 Factors Affecting the Saleability Of A Business

Saleability of a business has to be focused upon and this cannot be side-tracked as an…

5 digital marketing trends to shape 2018

5 digital marketing trends to shape 2018

Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and along with several other popular social media networks have been continuously updating…

Demand for digital marketing professionals to rise in 2018, says expert

Demand for digital marketing professionals to rise in 2018

Digital marketing professionals are much in demand and brands are indeed focusing on hiring these experts….

3 predictions about the future of SEO

3 predictions about the future of SEO

SEO is a constantly changing as well as growing industry and has become an essential component…
